What lies ahead for the EU-Mercosur agreement?

After losing its window of opportunity to close the deal in December 2023 and with EU farmers’ protests taking over Europe, the EU-Mercosur agreement is suffering a new major setback. The slow integration process within Mercosur and the increasing rivalries and criticism within it are also influencing the outcome at the negotiating table. How does the deal’s future look like?

China or the West? A Look into Fiji’s Foreign Policy

This article explores Fiji’s foreign policy in the context of broader US-China competition in the Pacific region. Other areas of discussion include Fiji’s leadership role in the Pacific region, Pacific regionalism, and changes in Fiji’s foreign policy following the 2022 general election.

The lessons that Niger and the International Community can learn

Political upheavals have been sweeping across West Africa and the Sahel region since 2020, culminating in a coup in Niger. This has led to fears of a ‘coup belt’ developing in the area. In response, ECOWAS has taken a multipronged approach, including the imposition of sanctions and threats of military intervention to restore constitutional order

The Tian-Shan Gambit: Europe’s Ambitions in Central Asia 

Central Asia is a vast and resource-rich region situated between three major centers of influence. Formerly part of both the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union, its nations have only recently gained independence following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. They continue to be influenced by Moscow, although they have made some significant strides towards autonomy in their own right. The Russian military’s actions in Ukraine have continuously eroded the credibility of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), a Russian-led military alliance. This, coupled with a significant loss of soft power in the countries of the post- Soviet space, which traditionally formed part of its sphere of influence, could create an opening for other influential actors to emerge as real alternative partners. The European Union wishes to consider an even more proactive role in Central Asia, given the young nations’ of Central Asia newfound pragmatism in foreign policy and its potential to enhance EU interests.

From COP Host to OPEC+ Entrant: Brazil’s Strategic Diplomatic Dance

The article analyzes the unexpected nature of Brazil’s decision to join OPEC+. It does so by highlighting President Lula’s environmental commitments and Brazil’s growing role on the international stage.

[REPORT] Table for Two?: Italy and Other Upper-Middle Powers in Modern Global Affairs

This February, France’s President Emmanuel Macron hosted Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy as well as Germany’s Olaf Scholz. Italy’s Giorgina Meloni was not invited to the dinner and this has caused some tensions between European leaders. While a dinner may seem small, the challenges that the European Union faces are not.

Yet Another Attempt at Peace: New Round of Negotiations between the Colombian Government & the ELN

Colombia has begun a new attempt to reach peace with the oldest guerrilla group in the continent: the ELN. With challenges and new opportunities emerging can these negotiations be the final one?

The Birth of the European Diplomatic Academy: Giant Leap or A Small Step Towards A United European Foreign Policy?

In August 2022, the European External Action Service launched a pilot project for the establishment of a European Diplomatic Academy with the long-term goal to solidify and unify European foreign policy.

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: The Anniversary of Russo-Ukrainian War: China’s Position Dilemma

China has released its position paper on the first anniversary of the Russo-Ukrainian War. However, the paper was received with mixed reviews. In this article, the author analyses the dilemma of China’s position and what China should do in the future to gain the support of more countries for its position.