In the Spotlight: Diasporas and Political Mobilization

Since the 1980s, we have observed an explosive increase in the number of countries that have extended the right to vote from abroad. As a result, today diasporas play a more prominent role in politics than in the past.

This interview aims to shed light on diasporas and political mobilisation thanks to the insights of Professor Eva Østergaard-Nielsen.

Lights And Shadows Of The Strategic Partnership Between Egypt And The EU

On the 17th of March, the European Union and the Arab Republic of Egypt have signed a Joint Declaration for a Strategic and Comprehensive Partnership, covering several areas of interest and unleashing billions of euros for investments.

[REPORT] Table for Two?: Italy and Other Upper-Middle Powers in Modern Global Affairs

This February, France’s President Emmanuel Macron hosted Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy as well as Germany’s Olaf Scholz. Italy’s Giorgina Meloni was not invited to the dinner and this has caused some tensions between European leaders. While a dinner may seem small, the challenges that the European Union faces are not.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Poland Rushes To Secure Border With Belarus….Again

Poland is once again concerned about its border it shares with Belarus. Belarussian President Lukashenko has weaponized migration in the past as a result of sanctions the European Union has placed on Belarus. Poland is moving more military members to the border in order to ensure that migrants do not make it through.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Greece Cancels Visas For Pakistanis Causing Outrage

Hundreds of visas have been cancelled for Pakistani workers hoping to work in Greece. This has left Pakistanis out of thousands of euros they spent in order to obtain the visas. This has led to an extreme reaction online which may continue to strain relations between the two nations.

The last shipwreck of a migrant boat near Greece questions, once again, the responsibilities between the two shores in the Mediterranean

On the 14th of June, a boat carrying 750 people capsized off the Greek coast, in the deepest part of the Mediterranean Sea, while trying to reach Italy. If both European and North African governments still approach irregular migration as a security concern, how does this influence international policies in addressing effectively the issue?

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Slovenia Eager To Recruit Foreign Workers

Slovenia’s national government hopes to attract more foreign workers to fill job vacancies through recent legislation the government passed.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Portugal Ends Golden Visa Program To End Housing Crisis

Portugal ends its golden visa program to relieve pressure on its housing market, but this is only one of the many causes of the crisis.

Weaponisnig Migration To Europe: Humanitarian Crisis or Hybrid Warfare ?

The threat of weaponized migration is sadly a reality that the European Union needs to face. This de-humanizing practice, which instrumentalizes humanitarian crisis and the struggle of innocent to gain strategic advantages, is a new way in which the conflict between Europe and Russia is being fought. As such, it is imperative to gain a comprehensive understanding of what the implications of such strategies are, and also to maintain fortitude in addressing them