Security Watch – BRICS: symptom of an emerging multipolar world ?

The BRICS – a loose association of developing nations – have been the focus of global attention in recent weeks, for the 15th BRICS Leaders’ Summit. While the goal is to establish a more multipolar economic order, the existing geostrategic differences between India and China risk hampering the organisation’s ability to reach its full potential over the medium and long term.

Security Watch: What implications does the Niger coup d’état have for the Sahel?

On Wednesday 26 July, the head of Niger’s presidential guard, General Abdourahamane Tchiani, proclaimed himself head of state following a military pronunciamiento. By this time, the elected president, Mohamed Bazoum, from Niger’s Arab ethnic minority, was sequestered and removed from his presidential palace. This power grab risks upsetting the security and geopolitical balance in the Sahel, which has already been weakened by terrorist movements and the arrival of the Russian armed group Wagner.

Security Watch: Can Riyadh and Tehran Achieve a Lasting Détente?

Historically rivals on both geopolitical and sectarian grounds, the tripartite agreement between Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Republic and China is a diplomatic coup that could offer prospects for growth and stability in the Arabian Peninsula over the long term.

TNGO Surveillance : Asia-Pacific – Xi Jinping Secures Third Term in Power

On Sunday, Xi Jinping clinched a historic third term as the Communist Party’s leader, ending decades of political precedent in the world’s second largest economy.