“The Global North vs. The Global South” or “Democracy vs. Autocracy”? It’s Time to Put Away the Binary Rhetoric

The term “Global South” is undergoing a transformation, shifting from its erstwhile abstract political connotation to a dynamic arena characterised …

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Absence from G20 Summit Raises Questions About U.S.-China Relations

The recently concluded 18th G20 summit made headlines not only for its global economic discussions but also for the conspicuous …

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: BRICS Countries Seek Financial De-risking Amidst Shifting Geopolitical Landscape

In the midst of escalating U.S. interest rate hikes and the concurrent strengthening of the U.S. dollar, BRICS countries find …

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: Terry Gou in 2024 Taiwan Presidential Election: Challenge and Opportunity

If Terry Gou does not run independently, current polls suggest that the KMT’s Hou Yu-ih will have a hard time defeating the DPP’s Lai Ching-te if he does not team up with Ko Wen-je, the Taiwan People’s Party’s presidential candidate. However, there is currently no political incentive for the two to work together. If Gou runs independently and runs to the end, it will be a steady win for the DPP. However, this situation will also give the opposition parties a political incentive to cooperate

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: The G7 Summit vs China-Central Asia Summit: A New Group Confrontation?

This article discusses whether the G7 and China-Central Asia summits are symbols of a new group confrontation

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: From Japan-South Korea Rapprochement, AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Cooperation, to the US gaining military access to Philine Base: US Deployment in the Indo-Pacific

The US is trying to strengthen its military ties with Japan, Korea, AUKUS, and the Philippines to contain China.

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: The End of US Dollar Hegemony?

From ASEAN’s consideration to settle trade in local currency to Brazilian President Lula’s visit of China, the author analyses the recent trend towards de-dollarisation

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: From the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran to Xi’s Visit to Russia – The Strategic Game Between China and the US Behind the Scenes

Following the resumption of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, many international scholars began to explore the role of China in the Russo-Ukrainian war. However, it is still difficult for China to play the role of mediator. Firstly, the Russian-Ukrainian war is by its very nature a proxy war, with the US’s strategic goals to weaken Russia economically and make European countries more dependent on the US militarily. China will not be able to reverse US strategic objectives until the US domestic environment changes. Secondly, as China is a long-term challenger to US hegemony at its core, the US also wants to worsen China’s relationship with the EU by tying China and Russia together through the Russo-Ukrainian war. The EU does not have confidence in China’s neutrality in the Russo-Ukrainian war. If China wants to mediate the Russo-Ukrainian war, it must win over the EU and seek a consensus, so that both sides can force the US and Russia to act prudently on the Russo-Ukrainian war.

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: The Anniversary of Russo-Ukrainian War: China’s Position Dilemma

China has released its position paper on the first anniversary of the Russo-Ukrainian War. However, the paper was received with mixed reviews. In this article, the author analyses the dilemma of China’s position and what China should do in the future to gain the support of more countries for its position.