The lessons that Niger and the International Community can learn

Political upheavals have been sweeping across West Africa and the Sahel region since 2020, culminating in a coup in Niger. This has led to fears of a ‘coup belt’ developing in the area. In response, ECOWAS has taken a multipronged approach, including the imposition of sanctions and threats of military intervention to restore constitutional order

Science, Technology, and Innovation: The 9th Annual Forum.

The infamous saying “Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” is a philosophical heirloom, passed …

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: 60 Years Of A Divided Cyprus

Cyprus has been an island divided for decades. The Untied Nations is warning that the opportunity for reunification is now or never.

Unpacking Haiti’s Crisis: UN Military Mission Dilemma

In October 2022, Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry urgently requested international military assistance to address a security crisis exacerbated by blockades imposed by criminal gangs. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres supported the need for a specialized armed force to assist the Haitian National Police. However, concerns related to previous foreign interventions and strong opposition from some Haitians, rooted in historical distrust, have complicated efforts. Emphasis is placed on the importance of a culturally sensitive solution through diplomacy and dialogue to address Haiti’s challenges.

Global (In)Governance: The Yasuni ITT Failure

The failure of the Yasuni ITT initiative demonstrated a missed opportunity for a global governance approach to encourage environmental conservation. What lesson can be learned for future global emergencies?

The Return of Direct Democracy? A look at the double-edged sword in Latin America

The frequency of popular consultations in Latin America are testimony of the return of direct democracy. However, Uruguay and Ecuador use these tools differently.

(Analysis) Resolution 1325: The Contribution and Limitation on Women, Peace & Security

The UN Security Council’s Resolution 1325 was the first to specifically address women in times of peace and war. In order to maintain and advance peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peace negotiations, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, and post-conflict reconstruction, the resolution emphasises the necessity of women’s equal participation and involvement in all such efforts. Despite having several gaps that needed to be filled, the first resolution did contribute to the protection of women and girls under international law. The contribution of S/RES/1325 is discussed in this article in some detail.

Change or Continuity for the United Nations Security Council? An Analysis on the Institution’s Reformation Process

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is crucial to preserving global peace and security, yet attempts to reform it for more than 20 years have been unsuccessful. This article details the steps that would need to be taken in accordance with the United Nations charter in the event that the UNSC were to be reformed. It also gives an insight of the G4’s proposal for reformation.

[ANALYSIS] Trouble in the Stars: Future of Outer Space Security

As space-based assets and data continue to play a crucial role in civilian life and military activity, outer space is becoming an increasingly critical domain for peace and security. This article traces the history of counterspace technologies and looks at the UN response on outer space governance.