Colombia’s Revolutionary Anti-Drug Plan: Breakthroughs an Challenges Ahead

Colombian President Gustavo Petro unveils a 10-year anti-drug policy aiming to reduce cocaine production by 43% through “oxygen” (economic alternatives for coca farmers) and “asphyxiation” (fighting trafficking networks). This plan’s success links to Petro’s “Total Peace” initiative to end violence. Security, investments, and political stability are vital for success.

(Analysis) DPRK-Russia-China Economic Triangle

In a shifting world order marked by Sino-American competition, the DPRK’s gradual easing of border restrictions and its evolving economic alignment with China and Russia are significant developments. As we delve deeper into this geopolitical landscape, the DPRK’s strategy to engage with these key neighbors and reduce reliance on the broader international community becomes more apparent. Explore the complexities and implications of this evolving dynamic in this analysis.

Yet Another Attempt at Peace: New Round of Negotiations between the Colombian Government & the ELN

Colombia has begun a new attempt to reach peace with the oldest guerrilla group in the continent: the ELN. With challenges and new opportunities emerging can these negotiations be the final one?

Global (In)Governance: The Yasuni ITT Failure

The failure of the Yasuni ITT initiative demonstrated a missed opportunity for a global governance approach to encourage environmental conservation. What lesson can be learned for future global emergencies?

(Analysis) Resolution 1325: The Contribution and Limitation on Women, Peace & Security

The UN Security Council’s Resolution 1325 was the first to specifically address women in times of peace and war. In order to maintain and advance peace and security, including conflict prevention and resolution, peace negotiations, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, and post-conflict reconstruction, the resolution emphasises the necessity of women’s equal participation and involvement in all such efforts. Despite having several gaps that needed to be filled, the first resolution did contribute to the protection of women and girls under international law. The contribution of S/RES/1325 is discussed in this article in some detail.

Weaponisnig Migration To Europe: Humanitarian Crisis or Hybrid Warfare ?

The threat of weaponized migration is sadly a reality that the European Union needs to face. This de-humanizing practice, which instrumentalizes humanitarian crisis and the struggle of innocent to gain strategic advantages, is a new way in which the conflict between Europe and Russia is being fought. As such, it is imperative to gain a comprehensive understanding of what the implications of such strategies are, and also to maintain fortitude in addressing them

Queering Conflict Transformation and Peace-building

Queering infrastructures of peace can enhance conflict transformation and construct true gender transformative peace-building policies. The article will cite the conditions of the queer population across the globe to provide recommendations for how queering peace and security can holistically transmute dynamics of conflict transformation.

The Effects of Water Scarcity: Evidence From Afghanistan

Despite unrest being rife in Afghanistan for many years, the causes on instability have overtly focused on war and terror. But what about water scarcity in the country and the effects this can have on everyday lives?