The Cost of Living in a Politically Fragmented Europe

The cost of living crisis in Europe has been one of the most pressing concerns since 2021. Several measures by the national governments and the EU have failed to provide relief to the citizens. The main cause behind it is the divided approach of the political parties to handle the situation. Right wing parties favour competitiveness while the left argue for investment in public enterprises. For this economic crisis to be effectively dealt with, parties need to rise from their differences and work as a union to lift its people from economic and social insecurities.

The Birth of the European Diplomatic Academy: Giant Leap or A Small Step Towards A United European Foreign Policy?

In August 2022, the European External Action Service launched a pilot project for the establishment of a European Diplomatic Academy with the long-term goal to solidify and unify European foreign policy.

SOTEU 2022: Expectations on the Roadmap to 2023

On the 14th of September, Ursula Von der Leyen spoke in front of the European Parliament to deliver 2022’s State of the Union speech. The President of the Commission was accompanied by the guest of honour for the evening, Mrs. Olona Zelenska. It has been 8 months since the beginning of the Ukrainian war, which has prompted an energy crisis, stark inflation and interruptions in supply-chains across Europe as a spillover effect, among other consequences.