(ARTICLE) EU – Israel Relations: Between Strong Ties and Strategic Ambiguity

The EU needs to develop a common position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and speak with one voice on the topic. The endorsement of a two-state solution is an empty shell if it is not accompanied by coherent policies. Europe has moved from efforts to build a Palestinian state to attempts at managing an ever-worsening “status quo” to which it clings mainly because it sees no alternative.

The story behind the 2024 Labour victory and lessons for other left-leaning parties across continental Europe

This article analyzes what led to the Labour Party victory in the 2024 elections, and if there are lessons to be learned for their European colleagues.

(Report) The Ukraine Conundrum: Reform, Resilience, And European Integration

Ukraine’s path to EU membership will necessitate the establishment of clear standards for rule of law and fundamental values, along with effective mechanisms to ensure ongoing compliance post-accession. This approach is crucial to ensuring that future enlargements positively impact EU governance.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: An Italian Ex-Minister’s Sacrifice For Love

An Italian minister was forced to resign after an extramarital affair came to light. His ex-girlfriend claims that she was promoted to a role within the Ministry of Culture, yet the staff disputes this.

Protection against Climate Change is now a Human Right – The Impact of ECtHR’s Swiss Climate ruling

The European Court of Human Rights gave a historic verdict, acknowledging Switzerland’s failure in addressing the issue of climate change and protecting its citizens, especially the vulnerable population from its harmful effects. The ruling, in compliance with and upholding the European Climate Law, provides a new precedent for courts, both European and international, and serves as a beacon of hope for climate activists across the world.

Will Russia Pay for Ukraine’s Reconstruction? Analysing European Regulation on Utilising Extraordinary Net Profits from Frozen Assets

The EU approved the Council Regulation (EU) 2024/1469 which authorises the use of net profits from the frozen assets of the Central Bank of Russia to support Ukraine’s recovery, reconstruction, and self-defence against Russia’s war of aggression.

What lies ahead for the EU-Mercosur agreement?

After losing its window of opportunity to close the deal in December 2023 and with EU farmers’ protests taking over Europe, the EU-Mercosur agreement is suffering a new major setback. The slow integration process within Mercosur and the increasing rivalries and criticism within it are also influencing the outcome at the negotiating table. How does the deal’s future look like?

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Italy Protects Made In Italy Label 

The Italian government raided facilities manufacturing purses for Dior and Armani in order to protect the Made In Italy brand.