[REPORT] The Broken Nation: Myanmar’s Struggle Towards a National Identity

For the entirety of Myanmar’s existence as an independent state, the civil war is the clearest opportunity for the country to form a shared national identity. The Tatmadaw’s repression effectively united the warring minorities towards the goal of peace and unity. If this emerging unity remains intact and further develops, it can be said that this conflict’s end may very well determine whether or not Myanmar will become a nation that identifies itself as wholly united in its diversity. 

(Analysis) China-North Korea: Brotherhood or Strategic Necessity? 

China and North Korea are often portrayed as close allies, bound by historical ties and mutual interests. However, beneath the surface lies a intricate game of strategy and maneuvering. This ‘cheese game’ reveals nuances and tensions that challenge the perception of an unbreakable bond. We will delve into the history, structural factors, and key incidents to uncover the true nature of the China-North Korea relationship—a relationship that may not be as steadfast as commonly believed.

China or the West? A Look into Fiji’s Foreign Policy

This article explores Fiji’s foreign policy in the context of broader US-China competition in the Pacific region. Other areas of discussion include Fiji’s leadership role in the Pacific region, Pacific regionalism, and changes in Fiji’s foreign policy following the 2022 general election.

The Golden Triangle’s City Built on Dirty Money

For decades, the Golden Triangle, a region wedged between Thailand, Myanmar and Laos along the Mekong River, has been synonymous with opium production, organised crime, and rebel militias. In recent years, in the northern part of Laos, the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (SEZ) has come under the control of Chinese casino mogul Zhao Wei, since his Hong Kong registered company, Kings Romans, leased the land for 99 years.

Post – Security Law: The Dawn of Hong Kong Financial Hub?

Will Hong Kong retain its status as an international financial hub following the passing of the national security law? This article examines China’s economic goals, recent geopolitical shifts, and initiatives like the Belt and Road and Greater Bay Area, while assessing Hong Kong’s unique financial strengths and future.

Inside the US TikTok Ban: Exploring the Implications of the Bill on US-China Relations

This article explores the implications of the proposed bill to ban TikTok in the United States on broader US-China relations. China’s response to the ban is also an area of discussion.

BRP Sierra Madre: The Waves of Uncertainty Surrounding the Sentry of the Second Thomas Shoal

The BRP Sierra Madre acts as the Philippines’ stronghold over the Second Thomas Shoal against Chinese advances in the South China Sea. In the past year, tensions in the region have escalated, with both nations’ coast guard services engaged in heated confrontations. Due to the shoal’s strategic location, both countries employed risky strategies to pursue their goals of controlling this location. Hence, turning the shoal and the BRP Sierra Madre into the South China Sea’s new geopolitical flashpoint towards the boundaries of a possible conflict.

(Analysis) China’s push for influence in Central Asia

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Central Asia has fallen largely under Russia’s sphere of influence. However, China has had its eye on the region in recent years and is increasing efforts to dominate the land mass as part of its narrative of rebuilding its historic glory as the “Middle Kingdom”.

(Analysis) Solidarity, Resistance & Liberation: The Afghan Women

The entire world held their breath as the Taliban took over the government in Afghanistan in 2021 wondering what it meant for women. While the Taliban exercises their orthodox and mysogisntic policies over women hiding behind the curtain of Sharia Law- women of Afghanistan have not held back and have been the front line of solidarity and resistance, protesting for liberation.