The Tian-Shan Gambit: Europe’s Ambitions in Central Asia 

Central Asia is a vast and resource-rich region situated between three major centers of influence. Formerly part of both the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union, its nations have only recently gained independence following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. They continue to be influenced by Moscow, although they have made some significant strides towards autonomy in their own right. The Russian military’s actions in Ukraine have continuously eroded the credibility of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), a Russian-led military alliance. This, coupled with a significant loss of soft power in the countries of the post- Soviet space, which traditionally formed part of its sphere of influence, could create an opening for other influential actors to emerge as real alternative partners. The European Union wishes to consider an even more proactive role in Central Asia, given the young nations’ of Central Asia newfound pragmatism in foreign policy and its potential to enhance EU interests.

(Analysis) DPRK-Russia-China Economic Triangle

In a shifting world order marked by Sino-American competition, the DPRK’s gradual easing of border restrictions and its evolving economic alignment with China and Russia are significant developments. As we delve deeper into this geopolitical landscape, the DPRK’s strategy to engage with these key neighbors and reduce reliance on the broader international community becomes more apparent. Explore the complexities and implications of this evolving dynamic in this analysis.

(REPORT) Italy and the BRI: in the Shadow of Sino-American Competition and Balancing National Interest

Italy’s BRI engagement economic promises fell short. Italy’s reassessing aligns with US priorities. Taiwan’s ties could help distancing from China but strain relations. Balancing interests, alliances, and economics, Italy navigates a complex situation. Exiting the BRI may offer security assurances while maintaining diplomatic and economic hedging with the US and China.

A Tale of Two Countries: Dollarization in Panama and Ecuador 

Panama and Ecuador are two of the three fully dollarized economies in Latin America and have witnessed benefits of this controversial measure. But does dollarization have a place in a shifting geoeconomic order?

The Subnational Channels of Latin America’s Integration: An Opportunity to Go Beyond National Linkages

In a regional context that is increasingly plagued by political and economic tensions, as a result in part of the new configurations of the international system, what could be the roadmap for regional integration in face of interstate fragmentation?