2024 Symposium on Global Affairs & Disinformation
2024 Symposium on Global Affairs & Disinformation

The Symposium strives to be financially accessible and high-quality space for students, young researchers and young professionals to present their original research (whether published or not) to an international audience. Applications are open until 10 February 2024!

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What lies ahead for the EU-Mercosur agreement?

After losing its window of opportunity to close the deal in December 2023 and with EU farmers' protests taking over Europe, the EU-Mercosur agreement is suffering a new major setback. The slow integration process within Mercosur and the increasing rivalries and criticism within it are also influencing the outcome at the negotiating table. How does the deal's future look like?
Read More "What lies ahead for the EU-Mercosur agreement?"

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Italy Protects Made In Italy Label 

The Italian government raided facilities manufacturing purses for Dior and Armani in order to protect the Made In Italy brand.
Read More "Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Italy Protects Made In Italy Label "

EU Elections: The Role of Immigration Politics in the Elections

There will be a lot made of the role of immigration politics and rhetoric in these most recent EU elections, but that role is not entirely what it seems to be.
Read More "EU Elections: The Role of Immigration Politics in the Elections"

(Analysis) China-North Korea: Brotherhood or Strategic Necessity? 

China and North Korea are often portrayed as close allies, bound by historical ties and mutual interests. However, beneath the surface lies a intricate game of strategy and maneuvering. This 'cheese game' reveals nuances and tensions that challenge the perception of an unbreakable bond. We will delve into the history, structural factors, and key incidents to uncover the true nature of the China-North Korea relationship—a relationship that may not be as steadfast as commonly believed.
Read More "(Analysis) China-North Korea: Brotherhood or Strategic Necessity? "

China or the West? A Look into Fiji’s Foreign Policy

This article explores Fiji's foreign policy in the context of broader US-China competition in the Pacific region. Other areas of discussion include Fiji's leadership role in the Pacific region, Pacific regionalism, and changes in Fiji's foreign policy following the 2022 general election.
Read More "China or the West? A Look into Fiji’s Foreign Policy"

Croatian Political Landscape Post-2024 Parliamentary Elections

The article looks at the outcome of the April Parliamentary election in Croatia and how the inclusion of the far-right Homeland Movement will affect the country's political landscape.
Read More "Croatian Political Landscape Post-2024 Parliamentary Elections"

Our Latest Reports

(Report) One Year Into the War: The EU’s Confusing Russia Policy

Nineteen months into the war and the EU still has not officially amended its Russia policy. Nevertheless, the EU has significantly changed its behavior towards Russia and is increasingly becoming a de facto geopolitical player. What does this mean for the future of EU-Russia relations?
Read More "(Report) One Year Into the War: The EU’s Confusing Russia Policy"

(REPORT) Italy and the BRI: in the Shadow of Sino-American Competition and Balancing National Interest

Italy's BRI engagement economic promises fell short. Italy's reassessing aligns with US priorities. Taiwan's ties could help distancing from China but strain relations. Balancing interests, alliances, and economics, Italy navigates a complex situation. Exiting the BRI may offer security assurances while maintaining diplomatic and economic hedging with the US and China.
Read More "(REPORT) Italy and the BRI: in the Shadow of Sino-American Competition and Balancing National Interest"

[REPORT] Table for Two?: Italy and Other Upper-Middle Powers in Modern Global Affairs

This February, France's President Emmanuel Macron hosted Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy as well as Germany's Olaf Scholz. Italy's Giorgina Meloni was not invited to the dinner and this has caused some tensions between European leaders. While a dinner may seem small, the challenges that the European Union faces are not.
Read More "[REPORT] Table for Two?: Italy and Other Upper-Middle Powers in Modern Global Affairs"

[REPORT] Myanmar: a long quest for democracy & freedom

Since independence from the United Kingdom, Myanmar's quest for freedom and democracy has been a long and ongoing battle. While its people and the international community hoped that Aung San Suu Kyi would move Myanmar down the path of democracy, the military coup of February 2021 has moved the Southeast Asian country further away from the democratic path, while strengthening its political ties with Russia and China.
Read More "[REPORT] Myanmar: a long quest for democracy & freedom"

[REPORT] Evolution of Women’s Rights in Turkey: The Fall of a Democracy

How the correlation between women’s rights and the democratic process of Turkey underlines that Erdoğan fails at respecting both of them?
Read More "[REPORT] Evolution of Women’s Rights in Turkey: The Fall of a Democracy"

[REPORT] Is Green Development an Oxymoron or Is It a Sign to Rethink the Global Productive Matrix?

Is it possible to build a sustainable global policy with concrete objectives? Is there enough space and resources to build this initiative without economic growth?
Read More "[REPORT] Is Green Development an Oxymoron or Is It a Sign to Rethink the Global Productive Matrix?"

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