What lies ahead for the EU-Mercosur agreement?

After losing its window of opportunity to close the deal in December 2023 and with EU farmers’ protests taking over Europe, the EU-Mercosur agreement is suffering a new major setback. The slow integration process within Mercosur and the increasing rivalries and criticism within it are also influencing the outcome at the negotiating table. How does the deal’s future look like?

EU Elections: Political divide with EU Farmers and Green Deal

European farmers across multiple countries are protesting the European Green Deal policies, citing issues with low food prices, carbon taxes, pesticide bans, and trade practices. Starting with France in 2023, the protests involve ideological divides on climate policy, national sovereignty, and urban versus rural interests. Future strategies include inclusive policy development, economic support, and education.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Romanian Port Prioritizes Romanian Farmers Over Ukrainians Farmers

Romania is debating how to prioritize exports from Romanian farmers over those from Ukrainian farmers at the Constanta Port. Some EU member states have been getting heated about the impact Ukrainian agricultural exports to the EU have had on their own farmers.

Rethinking Agroecological Policies: The ProHuerta Program

Created in 1990, the ProHuerta program is an Argentinian public policy focused on the self-production of food from an agroecological perspective, promoting food security and sovereignty. It is aimed at families – and to a lesser extent – small businesses.