Venezuelan Elections Amidst U.S. Sanctions: Balancing Democracy and Diplomacy

As tensions rise between the United States and Venezuela ahead of their upcoming presidential elections, the delicate balance of democracy and diplomacy comes into focus. The US had eased sanctions to encourage dialogue, but recent events have sparked renewed friction, leading to the reimposition of sanctions. Venezuela is grappling with economic challenges and diplomatic strains, especially with recent bans on opposition candidates. As both countries navigate these issues, the future of US-Venezuela relations is uncertain, with potential impacts beyond their borders.

Bedlam At The Border: How The Frontier Has Become A Key Issue In Mexico-U.S Relations

The article discusses the most recent developments at the U.S.-Mexico border, especially in light of the expiration of Title 42, which might present a whole new set of challenges for both administrations. U.S. Congress will keep a keen eye on President Biden’s moves in terms of immigration, a highly contentious issue in U.S. politics, while President Lopez Obrador has given to other issues affecting Mexico, which might suggest that the two countries are not in agreement as to the urgency of the issue.

(Analysis) Too Little Too Late? President Biden’s Syrian Policy and Regional Security Implications

Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria is undergoing a diplomatic revival. Nations that ostracized Assad after the outbreak of the nation’s civil war in 2011, such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have all agreed to normalize relations with him. Assad was also reinstated as a member of the Arab League on May 9 after twelve years of suspended membership.

(Analysis) Discord in the South China Sea: What Place for Diplomacy?

Relations between Southeast Asian countries and mainland China have historically ebbed and flowed. Tensions have often focused on control of islands and reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Beijing, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, has intensified this confrontation increasing the regional security volatility amidst Sino-US rivalry in the South China Sea.

(Analysis) Tensions across the Taiwan Strait: Is the 1992 Consensus Permanently Lost?

Relations between Beijing and Taipei have often experienced periods of friction ever since the victory of Mao Zedong’s Chinese communists in 1949. Now cross-strait ties have undergone crucial transformations under Tsai Ing-wen’s leadership, resulting in unprecedented diplomatic and military tensions along the Taiwan Strait.

Let’s Tune In: North Korea declares its nuclear potential

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said on Friday:” “We will not waive our right for self-defense, which is crucial for the country’s existence, for the security of the state and its people, no matter how difficult the situation is,” he said. “Regardless of the political and military situation on the Korean peninsula, brought about by the US, we won’t reject nuclear weapons, because we need to deter the United States, which is a nuclear power.”

[ANALYSIS] The US-Latin American Policy Strategy: A Dialogue From Both Perspectives

Latin American-US relations are in a rocky place. The Biden administration started with great words but little results against the advances of China in the region. Meanwhile, the Republicans tend to show little interest for the region.

Let’s Tune In: Taiwan’s Issue

The Chinese response to the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, the highest American representative person there since 1997, arrives. People’s Republic of China decided that the right response was to halt the US and Chinese cooperation in several fields such as defense, justice, and climate change and to take several measures against Nancy Pelosi and her immediate family members, this last by relevant laws in China.

Press Review: July 2022

Joe Biden argued that the U.S. is prepared to use all elements of its national power to prevent Iran from acquiring or developing nuclear missiles. Mario Draghi is on the verge to resign as Italy’s PM and the President of Sri Lanka has announced its resignation.