Argentina’s Lithium Industry: Reforms and Radical Rhetoric

President Javier Milei’s ultraliberal policies, including the radical deregulation plan signed into decree DNU 70/2023, aim to revitalize Argentina’s economy by reducing state involvement and promoting private sector growth. Argentina’s lithium industry, critical for the global energy sector, stands to be significantly impacted. The country, poised to outpace Chile as a top lithium producer by 2027, faces major changes under Milei’s governance which emphasizes alignments towards U.S. interests and potentially increases foreign investors’ power, raising concerns among local and Indigenous communities about sustainable development.

Election Embers: Milei’s Unconventional Ascent in the Race for Argentina’s Presidency

This article examines how Argentine congressman Javier Milei has firmly positioned himself as one of the frontrunners in the upcoming presidential elections. This is in spite of his controversial views and radical proposals, which begs the question, will he actually be able to pull off this huge victory in one of South America’s largest states?

Chile’s National Lithium Strategy: Balancing Sustainable Resource Management And Economic Growth

Chile’s push to harness its vast lithium reserves for a greener future is garnering attention. President Gabriel Boric’s visionary plan aims to position the nation as a battery industry leader, pivoting towards renewable energy. However, concerns loom over potential nationalization and private sector involvement. With global lithium demand on the rise, Chile’s strategy embraces state-controlled mining, sustainable practices, and local value chain growth. Balancing these goals, while attracting new players and preserving the environment, presents a complex challenge. As Chile strides towards sustainable lithium production, its strategy embodies a crucial global conversation on resource utilization and environmental responsibility.

Bolsonaro Deemed Ineligible for Elections: Electoral Court Delivers 8-Year Setback

The article looks at the recent ruling by the Brazilian Supreme Electoral Court to render Former President Bolsonaro ineligible for the next presidential elections and the possible repercussions this landmark decision might have.

Galicia! From Tobacco Smuggling to Europe’s Cocaine Getaway

The European drug trafficking scene has undergone a plethora of changes in the last decade. Some argue that Galicia reflects this constant evolution of increasingly influential organized crime gangs that take advantage of globalization to better manage local markets.

The Subnational Channels of Latin America’s Integration: An Opportunity to Go Beyond National Linkages

In a regional context that is increasingly plagued by political and economic tensions, as a result in part of the new configurations of the international system, what could be the roadmap for regional integration in face of interstate fragmentation?

Let’s Tune In: An Authoritarian Threat to Brazil’s Democracy

After several times Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said he would not accept the result of the elections, he went on with further declarations these days which confused and scared thousands of Brazilians so much that they signed a manifesto in which they recognize the threat to their Brazilian democracy. Thousands of Brazilians protested claiming to Bolsonaro to respect their vote and the Brazilian people.

[ANALYSIS] The US-Latin American Policy Strategy: A Dialogue From Both Perspectives

Latin American-US relations are in a rocky place. The Biden administration started with great words but little results against the advances of China in the region. Meanwhile, the Republicans tend to show little interest for the region.

Uncle Nick: The New American Friend

The Ukrainian war skyrocketed the oil and gas prices, pushing the US inflation.
President Biden, as a pragmatic Democrat, started to revive the commercial relations with Venezuela, putting at stake his reputation on human rights.

Is There a Way Out of Brazilian Political Manichaeism?

One year away from the next Brazilian federal election, Lula and Bolsonaro – the exponents of the two most prominent political movements in Brazil – are the clear frontrunners. However, as rejection rates to both their names increase, it is worth wondering whether a dark horse candidate can break their tug-of-war and steal a victory.