The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: From Japan-South Korea Rapprochement, AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Cooperation, to the US gaining military access to Philine Base: US Deployment in the Indo-Pacific

The US is trying to strengthen its military ties with Japan, Korea, AUKUS, and the Philippines to contain China.

(Analysis) Discord in the South China Sea: What Place for Diplomacy?

Relations between Southeast Asian countries and mainland China have historically ebbed and flowed. Tensions have often focused on control of islands and reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Beijing, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, has intensified this confrontation increasing the regional security volatility amidst Sino-US rivalry in the South China Sea.

[ANALYSIS] Japan-France Bilateral Partnership: What Future Direction for Strategic and Non-Traditional Security Cooperation?

France and Japan have long maintained close political and economic ties. Growing competition from China on the economic and security fronts, coupled with the increasing concern over the effects of climate change, requires France and Japan, two nations in the Indo-Pacific region and members of the G7, to leverage their cooperation to safeguard peace and stability of this maritime zone.