(Analysis) China’s push for influence in Central Asia

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Central Asia has fallen largely under Russia’s sphere of influence. However, China has had its eye on the region in recent years and is increasing efforts to dominate the land mass as part of its narrative of rebuilding its historic glory as the “Middle Kingdom”.

(Analysis) Discord in the South China Sea: What Place for Diplomacy?

Relations between Southeast Asian countries and mainland China have historically ebbed and flowed. Tensions have often focused on control of islands and reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Beijing, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, has intensified this confrontation increasing the regional security volatility amidst Sino-US rivalry in the South China Sea.

(Analysis) Tensions across the Taiwan Strait: Is the 1992 Consensus Permanently Lost?

Relations between Beijing and Taipei have often experienced periods of friction ever since the victory of Mao Zedong’s Chinese communists in 1949. Now cross-strait ties have undergone crucial transformations under Tsai Ing-wen’s leadership, resulting in unprecedented diplomatic and military tensions along the Taiwan Strait.