The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: From Japan-South Korea Rapprochement, AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Cooperation, to the US gaining military access to Philine Base: US Deployment in the Indo-Pacific

The US is trying to strengthen its military ties with Japan, Korea, AUKUS, and the Philippines to contain China.

[ANALYSIS] The US-Latin American Policy Strategy: A Dialogue From Both Perspectives

Latin American-US relations are in a rocky place. The Biden administration started with great words but little results against the advances of China in the region. Meanwhile, the Republicans tend to show little interest for the region.

US Sanctions on the ICC: A Symptomatic Approach Towards International Law

Trump’s sanctions on the International Criminal Court only stressed a tendency that has always characterised the US approach towards the international criminal jurisdiction. Will anything change under Biden’s presidency?

Iran In Power Struggle After Assassination of Top Nuclear Scientist

The assassination of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh has shaken the regional and international political arena. Despite the blow to its nuclear program, it seems that Iran has gained the upper hand in a power struggle with Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US.