(Analysis) China-North Korea: Brotherhood or Strategic Necessity? 

China and North Korea are often portrayed as close allies, bound by historical ties and mutual interests. However, beneath the surface lies a intricate game of strategy and maneuvering. This ‘cheese game’ reveals nuances and tensions that challenge the perception of an unbreakable bond. We will delve into the history, structural factors, and key incidents to uncover the true nature of the China-North Korea relationship—a relationship that may not be as steadfast as commonly believed.

Let’s Tune In: North Korea declares its nuclear potential

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said on Friday:” “We will not waive our right for self-defense, which is crucial for the country’s existence, for the security of the state and its people, no matter how difficult the situation is,” he said. “Regardless of the political and military situation on the Korean peninsula, brought about by the US, we won’t reject nuclear weapons, because we need to deter the United States, which is a nuclear power.”

Air Confrontation Between Four Countries Distresses East Asia

While the world is still dealing with the impacts of the pandemic, the Russian and Chinese militaries seem to be growing closer than ever. On December 22nd, 2020, Russian and Chinese bombers flew a joint patrol mission over an area of the Western Pacific that is dangerously close to disputed territories between China, South Korea, and Japan. This mission succeeds a first one in 2019 which had already shaken up peace in East Asia.

Iran In Power Struggle After Assassination of Top Nuclear Scientist

The assassination of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh has shaken the regional and international political arena. Despite the blow to its nuclear program, it seems that Iran has gained the upper hand in a power struggle with Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US.