In the Spotlight: Diasporas and Political Mobilization

Since the 1980s, we have observed an explosive increase in the number of countries that have extended the right to vote from abroad. As a result, today diasporas play a more prominent role in politics than in the past.

This interview aims to shed light on diasporas and political mobilisation thanks to the insights of Professor Eva Østergaard-Nielsen.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’S Periphery: Cyprus Creates Strategy To Confront Migrant Crisis

In recent years EU member states have invested in the construction of barriers and other tools to keep migrants physically out of their nations. Cyprus is taking a different approach by launching a social media campaign with data that demonstrates the harsh reality of how hard it is to be accepted for asylum in the EU member state.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Malta Shirks Responsibility As Migrant Deaths Soar in Mediterranean Sea

Malta has used numerous methods including ones that can be classified as illegal to deter migrants. The European Union needs to step up and ensure that the responsibility for the migration crisis in the Mediterranean Sea does not fall only on a few member states.

[Analysis] Regularising Undocumented Migrants in the European Union: The Added COVID-19 Factor

Once a taboo, the word regularisation has made its comeback into the EU’s vocabulary since the beginning of the health crisis. But what is regularisation? What are its pros and cons? And why has COVID-19 spiced up the political debate on regularisation?