A Crossing of Two Hands? The European Youth and The EU Bubble

Paulina Ríos Maya and Liz Morán explore the dynamic and sometimes fraught relationship between the European youth and the EU Bubble, examining how this relationship shapes the future of the European project.

In the Spotlight: Diasporas and Political Mobilization

Since the 1980s, we have observed an explosive increase in the number of countries that have extended the right to vote from abroad. As a result, today diasporas play a more prominent role in politics than in the past.

This interview aims to shed light on diasporas and political mobilisation thanks to the insights of Professor Eva Østergaard-Nielsen.

Galicia! From Tobacco Smuggling to Europe’s Cocaine Getaway

The European drug trafficking scene has undergone a plethora of changes in the last decade. Some argue that Galicia reflects this constant evolution of increasingly influential organized crime gangs that take advantage of globalization to better manage local markets.