Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Donald Tusk To Fortify Nation Against Illegal Immigration

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk plans to fortify Poland’s eastern border to prevent illegal immigration.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Poland Rushes To Secure Border With Belarus….Again

Poland is once again concerned about its border it shares with Belarus. Belarussian President Lukashenko has weaponized migration in the past as a result of sanctions the European Union has placed on Belarus. Poland is moving more military members to the border in order to ensure that migrants do not make it through.

Weaponisnig Migration To Europe: Humanitarian Crisis or Hybrid Warfare ?

The threat of weaponized migration is sadly a reality that the European Union needs to face. This de-humanizing practice, which instrumentalizes humanitarian crisis and the struggle of innocent to gain strategic advantages, is a new way in which the conflict between Europe and Russia is being fought. As such, it is imperative to gain a comprehensive understanding of what the implications of such strategies are, and also to maintain fortitude in addressing them

Da 100 Giorni In Bielorussia È Sempre Domenica

Sono passati più di cento giorni dall’inizio delle proteste contro il regime corrotto di Aleksandr Lukašenko. Ed ancora adesso, a dispetto della stanchezza, del sopraggiungere dell’inverno, della pandemia e dell’alta probabilità di essere malmenati, detenuti o fatti sparire, centinaia di persone ogni domenica a Minsk scendono in piazza a protestare.

The Women of Belarus: From Tradition To Revolution

The recent presidential election in Belarus challenged the country’s status quo and its traditional mentality. Although President Lukashenko won, the main opponent Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and the Belarusian population, in particular the women, are currently playing an influential role in changing Belarus’ mentality.