TNGO Surveillance : Asia-Pacific – Xi Jinping Secures Third Term in Power

On Sunday, Xi Jinping clinched a historic third term as the Communist Party’s leader, ending decades of political precedent in the world’s second largest economy.

Are Economic Sanctions Effective To Stop North Korea’s Nuclear Activity?

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has not ceased its nuclear activity since its first testing in 2006. Since then, the United Nations Security Council has drafted multiple sanctions to prevent North Korea from testing its nuclear arsenal. This article debates whether international intervention can be effective or not in stopping North Korea’s nuclear activity.

Let’s Tune In: Iran joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

On September 15th, Iran signed the memorandum of commitment toward the Shanghai cooperation organization becoming a permanent member of it. According to Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the agreement will not be only a normal relationship among states but it will open a new stage for Iran. It will have an important impact on the economy, transit, and energy cooperation. Its membership will be official in April 2023.

China’s Push Into the Indian Ocean: How Can the United States Contain Its Growing Reach?

China’s entry into the Indian Ocean region, through economic investments and political agency is dramatically changing regional dynamics. For decades, the United States has maintained a considerable presence across this vast body of water. The expansion of Beijing’s influence requires the powers in Washington to strengthen their military and economic instruments in the region.

Let’s Tune In: Mali asked for a UN meeting against France

In the past days, Mali asked for a UN meeting with United Nations Security Council President, China, because of several serious allegations against France on its territory. According to the Malian letter, France would have violated its air space several times, would have delivered weapons to the armed groups, and in addition, France would have used their air space against them to collect intelligence information for these terrorist groups. This last accusation is not accompanied by evidence.

The Newest U.S. Strategy to Tame Inflation

Inflation is a side of the coin all economic operators try to manage and leverage to their advantage. This matter becomes particularly pressing when you are the President of one of the strongest economical forces in the world. However, there are situations not even the most skilled economists can foresee, and drastic measures might need to be put in place to prevent greater damage.

How Ukraine’s Resistance to Authoritarianism Could Inspire Taiwan: Perspectives from China and the USA

Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 and has since had its troops in Ukraine. Ukraine has been resistant and have fought back with the help of countries like the United States. While countries like China has neither sent military help to Ukraine to help with the invasion nor has it allied with Russia. The determination of Ukraine in fighting back has given courage to small countries like Taiwan to take practical steps to avoid their democracy and freedom taken away by China. The Taiwanese have decided to stand strong like the Ukrainians.

Let’s Tune In: Taiwan’s Issue

The Chinese response to the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, the highest American representative person there since 1997, arrives. People’s Republic of China decided that the right response was to halt the US and Chinese cooperation in several fields such as defense, justice, and climate change and to take several measures against Nancy Pelosi and her immediate family members, this last by relevant laws in China.

The Role of Science in Society: The Chinese Social Credit System

The Chinese credit score system, of mandatory participation, is based on a data crossing behavioral scoring network, that leads to individual punishments and rewards. Since its introduction, the SCS has been received apprehensively. Many highlight the dangers of research and development policies centered on an instrumental view of science which, conceals surveillance systems of the nationals and limits individual rights and freedoms.

Let’s Tune In: Shinzo Abe’s Assassination

On 8th July 2022, the former Japanese President Shinzo Abe, one of the most influencial japanese politician post the Second War World and a candidate for the election that would have taken place two days ahead, was shot twice while he was attending an event where he had a speech.