The Case of Ethiopia: United We Stand, Divided We Fall

On November 4 2020, Ethiopia started a conflict that has caused major disruptions in the population and the international community, leading to a humanitarian crisis. The world is shocked that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who won the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, started the conflict against the Tigray region.

L’acqua: fonte di vita o strumento di guerra?

Si è recentemente tornati a parlare del fenomeno dell’acqua come arma strategica di guerra, utilizzata nel corso della storia per far pressione sui propri nemici. Negli ultimi anni questo fenomeno sembra essersi intensificato ed aver assunto nuove dinamiche, forse anche a causa dell’avanzamento del cambiamento climatico. Caso emblematico e ancora poco discusso è quello della Libia, dove il problema dell’acqua si aggiunge a una situazione già estremamente tesa.

Why Colonialism in Education Benefits the Working Class

The history of colonialism in Britain is undeniably hidden from view, leaving the majority of the population educationally neglected on such a vital period of history. Introducing the topic to the country’s curriculum could have a profound impact on the majority of groups in society.

LGBT Rights Are Human Rights

On June 14th, Sarah Hegazy, a 30 years-old Egyptian queer activist, took her own life in Canada, where she moved out after being detained in Egypt. The news spread throughout mass media: three years ago, during Mashrou’ Leila’s concert, she waved the flag symbol of LGBT+ rights and movement, which was the cause of her painful detention that lasted three months.