Let’s Tune In: Mali asked for a UN meeting against France

In the past days, Mali asked for a UN meeting with United Nations Security Council President, China, because of several serious allegations against France on its territory. According to the Malian letter, France would have violated its air space several times, would have delivered weapons to the armed groups, and in addition, France would have used their air space against them to collect intelligence information for these terrorist groups. This last accusation is not accompanied by evidence.

Let’s Tune In: Gas Supply Diversification

In the attempt to disengage Russia from the European gas supplier role, Italy signed 15 agreements with Algeria last week, agreements that made Algeria the biggest Italian gas supplier and they came together with several memorandums of understanding in areas ranging from energy to sustainable development, justice and micro-enterprises. it was the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi himself who presented the agreement during his visit to Algeria.

Nigeria: A Rich Country That is Still Poor

Natural resources bring economic stability in a country. Not only do they bring economic stability, but they also need to be managed well and efficiently. This however has not been the case for Nigeria. Much of the downfall of Nigeria is caused by corruption which leads to poverty in the country.

Climate Change effect on Africa’s Agriculture

Agriculture is an important part of the economic growth in Africa, and the effects of climate change can generate significant instability in economic growth via the alteration of agricultural economies. This article aims to further dive into how climate change affects African nations and poses a challenge as well as looking at the way forward in dealing with this issue of climate change in Africa through adaptation.

Can Civic Tech Flip the Script of Youth Participation in Elections in the SADC Region?

Youth support for the democracy project has been waning over the years evidenced by voter apathy. It is therefore incumbent upon governments and other stakeholders to maximise civic tech tools to influence and attract this demography to vote or compete for political office, as part of the measures to strengthen democracy in the SADC region.

Burkina Faso Coup and the Sahel Militant Domino Effect

In Burkina Faso, the military seized power in the cities of Ouagadougou, Kaya, and Ouahigouya. While the phrases “military coup” and “public jubilation” may seem an odd pairing to western ears, in the capital city of Ouagadougou, hundreds took to the streets in celebration.

The ‘Al-Shabab’ Nightmare in Somalia

Al-Shabab (‘Youth’ in Arabic) is a radical Islamic terrorist group in Somalia that sprung up from the ashes of the Union of Islamic Courts. The Union held power in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, in 2006, before eventually being forced out by the Ethiopian army.

Plundering in South Sudan: The Achilles’ heel of the world’s newest nation

South Sudan has entered the peace process and aims to bring stability back to the country and its people. Although the civil war has passed and steps to move forward have been made, the country still struggles with the threats of corruption and the effects thereof.

Constitutional Review in Botswana: The Nexus between Cultural-Liberal Values and its Implications for Foreign Policy

Cultural and liberal norms have a place in Botswana’s modern constitutional order. It is imperative for the country’s constitution to be drafted in such a way that these values and norms are reconciled in the interest of social cohesion. It is also worth noting that cultural underpinnings have always had a bearing on the country’s diplomacy.