LGBT Rights Are Human Rights

On June 14th, Sarah Hegazy, a 30 years-old Egyptian queer activist, took her own life in Canada, where she moved out after being detained in Egypt. The news spread throughout mass media: three years ago, during Mashrou’ Leila’s concert, she waved the flag symbol of LGBT+ rights and movement, which was the cause of her painful detention that lasted three months.

Protesting for Change – A Conversation with Caroline Skye Grossman

The murder of George Floyd was one of the numerous cases of police brutality towards African-American people. This specific case seems to have raised unprecedented awareness about racism and initiated a series of protests under the slogan “black lives matter.” TNGO political analyst Aurora Ceccotti interviewed Caroline Skye Grossman, who explains what it is like to actively take part of this movement, protesting in the streets of New York.

The Coronavirus Vaccine and Medical Racism in Africa

Two French doctors have recently proposed to conduct unscrupulous research for the Coronavirus vaccine in Africa. This is just the last of many examples of how the West carries a racist medical agenda in the African continent. How can we move away from these practices and invest in an even global medical development?