[REPORT] Evolution of Women’s Rights in Turkey: The Fall of a Democracy

How the correlation between women’s rights and the democratic process of Turkey underlines that Erdoğan fails at respecting both of them?

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Exacerbation of violence in Sheikh Jarrah

Sheikh Jarrah has experienced an exacerbation of violence the last few weeks. The tensions between the Palestinians and the Israelis escalated further with the violence spreading in the Gaza Strip.

Child Marriage as a Contemporary Form of Slavery

Increasing amounts of scholarship in the international law community are showing that an inextricable link exists between child marriage and contemporary slavery. In light of this, child marriage can no longer be treated lightly or simply discounted as being part of culture. Child marriage violates the human rights of the child and goes against one of the key non-derogable international law norms: the prohibition of slavery.

Air Confrontation Between Four Countries Distresses East Asia

While the world is still dealing with the impacts of the pandemic, the Russian and Chinese militaries seem to be growing closer than ever. On December 22nd, 2020, Russian and Chinese bombers flew a joint patrol mission over an area of the Western Pacific that is dangerously close to disputed territories between China, South Korea, and Japan. This mission succeeds a first one in 2019 which had already shaken up peace in East Asia.

[Analysis] Is A Political Transition On The Horizon For Thailand?

The political turmoil happening in Thailand has accompanied the news for the whole of 2020. But what is happening in Thailand? Understanding the sociopolitical dynamics of the Thai nation is extremely complicated, as its history is characterized by intense and frequent political shocks that have left space for confusion and little opportunity for the growth of this country. The current protests led by the Thai youth, however, seem to have the needed potential to change the future political landscape of this country.

[Analysis] Oil Security in Northeast Asia: Sino-Russian Drillers vs ExxonMobil

Oil and natural gas are undergoing an important crisis, as they are running out worldwide. In this context, powers like Russia and China have chosen to detach from the reliance on Middle Eastern oil, and have been seeking to create their own regional independence to the point companies such as Gazprom and Sinopec have overtaken US and European former leaders like ExxonMobil and Shell. What does this imply for oil security in Northeast Asia? And how are these countries coping with sustainability and oil consumption?

[Analysis] What Would Biden’s Victory In The 2020 U.S. Elections Mean For ASEAN?

As the American elections approach, Joe Biden could become the next President of the United States of America. In foreign policy, his experience in the Senate and as Vice President during the Obama administration could determine future strategies. How will Biden approach the rising power of China? And what role will the US continue to pursue in East Asia?