Gender Pay Gap: How the Covid-19 Pandemic Set Gender Parity Back a Generation

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, gender gaps in labour force participation have increased. Setting back progress to equality for women by a generation. Nevertheless, the structural inequality was standing strong before the virus struck.

[REPORT] Evolution of Women’s Rights in Turkey: The Fall of a Democracy

How the correlation between women’s rights and the democratic process of Turkey underlines that Erdoğan fails at respecting both of them?

The Ambition of Gender Equality

EIGE foresees 60 years before the achievement of gender equality in Europe. It proceeds, but at a slow pace. Meanwhile, the dream of equality does not suffer standstills. A new Gender Action Plan was realized in November 2020. It places gender equality at the centre of external relations and sets a new strategy to turn the tide by 2030.

Feminist Economics: A Deeper Look into Gender and Economics

The time to lay Homo Economicus i.e. the “economic man”, to rest has come. With the rise of feminist theory, questions have arisen over the gender inclusivity of economics today. To what extent are the theories, methods, and pedagogy of economics male centric, and therefore biased? And how does this bias compromise the accuracy, and effectiveness of our current economic models?

La Campagna Amnesty International sul Consenso

Dalla campagna Amnesty International #iolochiedo emerge l’importanza di sottolineare una cultura del consenso, in maniera immediata e pratica. Da un rapporto Istat del 2019 si nota in particolare come lo stereotipo di genere possa influire in un approccio gender-sensitive e nel contrasto alla violenza contro le donne. Scopri nell’articolo l’intreccio tra consenso, stereotipo e cambiamento nel paradigma culturale e giuridico.

Financial Control & Gender Equality – A Conversation with Anna-Sophie Hartvigsen

A place in the Forbes 30 under 30 list for finance. Cartier Women’s Initiative winners 2020. The largest financial educator targeting women in Northern Europe. Not bad for a group of women under 30. Anna Hartvigsen and the team at Female Invest are committed to the fight for gender equality.

TNGO writer Matthew Lynes virtually met up with Anna to discuss gender equality, finance and how she, at 26 years old, along with her co-founders Emma Blitz and Camilla Falkenberg managed to steer a company through the COVID-19 crisis and come out the other side with 2 globally-recognised awards.

Femicides in Turkey: “I don’t want to die!”

On Tuesday, July 21st, the body of a 27-year-old Turkish University student, Pinar Gultekin, was discovered in the woods after she had gone missing for about a week. Amidst investigations, her ex-partner confessed to the murder, adding Pinar to the long list of women who have died at the hands of their partners: former, present, and aspiring.

Il Caso Silvia Romano: Misoginia e Polarizzazione nella Società “Social” Italiana

Lo scorso 9 Maggio Silvia Romano è stata liberata dopo un anno e mezzo di prigionia per mano del gruppo terroristico somalo Al Shabaab. Come ha risposto la società italiana a questo evento apparentemente neutrale e gioioso?