Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Hacking Impacts Poland’s Railway System And NATO

Poland suffered hacking which impacted its trains. In July however it faced another hacking incident which affected sensitive information from NATO.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Italy First Nation To Ban Artificial Meat

Tradition is everything in Italian cuisine and the nation refuses to budge. Lab grown meat will not be allowed to be produced within the EU member state without a hefty financial penalty.

Security Watch: What implications does the Niger coup d’état have for the Sahel?

On Wednesday 26 July, the head of Niger’s presidential guard, General Abdourahamane Tchiani, proclaimed himself head of state following a military pronunciamiento. By this time, the elected president, Mohamed Bazoum, from Niger’s Arab ethnic minority, was sequestered and removed from his presidential palace. This power grab risks upsetting the security and geopolitical balance in the Sahel, which has already been weakened by terrorist movements and the arrival of the Russian armed group Wagner.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Cyprus Becomes European Union’s Promised Land

As Israel’s democracy becomes unstable along with rising housing and living costs, Israelis have been moving elsewhere. Only 40 minutes away by airplane, Cyprus has become a popular destination. This allows Israelis to visit family while also allowing Israelis to get a permanent residency permit in Cyprus through investing. Cypriots have become increasingly unhappy as home prices have started to soar. Time will tell how relations develop between Cypriots and Israelis.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Poland Rushes To Secure Border With Belarus….Again

Poland is once again concerned about its border it shares with Belarus. Belarussian President Lukashenko has weaponized migration in the past as a result of sanctions the European Union has placed on Belarus. Poland is moving more military members to the border in order to ensure that migrants do not make it through.

Security Watch: Can Riyadh and Tehran Achieve a Lasting Détente?

Historically rivals on both geopolitical and sectarian grounds, the tripartite agreement between Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Republic and China is a diplomatic coup that could offer prospects for growth and stability in the Arabian Peninsula over the long term.

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: Terry Gou in 2024 Taiwan Presidential Election: Challenge and Opportunity

If Terry Gou does not run independently, current polls suggest that the KMT’s Hou Yu-ih will have a hard time defeating the DPP’s Lai Ching-te if he does not team up with Ko Wen-je, the Taiwan People’s Party’s presidential candidate. However, there is currently no political incentive for the two to work together. If Gou runs independently and runs to the end, it will be a steady win for the DPP. However, this situation will also give the opposition parties a political incentive to cooperate

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Greece Cancels Visas For Pakistanis Causing Outrage

Hundreds of visas have been cancelled for Pakistani workers hoping to work in Greece. This has left Pakistanis out of thousands of euros they spent in order to obtain the visas. This has led to an extreme reaction online which may continue to strain relations between the two nations.

Let’s Tune Into The EU’s Periphery: And The Winner In Spain’s Election Is?

Spain just had an election on Sunday. Both Partido Popular and PSOE gained seats in the Chamber of Deputies. It remains unclear whoever the winner of the election truly is based on the potential coalitions which can be created.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Czech Government Reduces Assistance for Ukrainians

Ukrainians who fled the war went to a large number of EU member states including Czechia. While many have found jobs others continue to struggle due to the language barrier and the national government continues to cut financial assistance for Ukrainians who temporarily relocated to Czechia.