EU 2020: The Future of Europe

Beatriz Lasheras Mas
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By Beatriz Lasheras Mas

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The new decade will be crucial for the future of the European Union. In an era of political disenchantment, where Europeanist feeling had been replaced by nationalist positions, the foundations of the unity are wobbling.

There are many open challenges that Europe will have to face in 2020: the Brexit, after more than three years of negotiations, will be consummated at the beginning of the new year; the migration crisis that is dividing the continent; the rise of nationalist parties that reject European integration; or the climate change, are some of the main problems that will mark the beginning of the decade.

The member states have been to transfer lot of competences and money in support of a supranational organization, reducing their decision-making capacity in fundamental matters such as Economy.

However, the Union gives to the states other things in return: funding for the modernization of less developed European countries, free movement of people and goods, infrastructure financing to improve connections on the continent and opportunities through programs such as Erasmus+ that allow students to have an experience abroad.

With the arrival of the new decade, all Europeans should think about the Europe we want.

It is time to decide whether we want a Europe more or less united.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of a more integrated European Union?
  • Do you think the Brexit will have strong consequences for Europe? Or, do you think United Kingdom will suffer the hardest hit?

Suggested Readings


  1. Pingback: UUEE 2020: El Futuro de Europa – The New Global Order | theBlog

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EU 2020: The Future of Eu…

by Beatriz Lasheras Mas time to read: 1 min