The Disillusion of the Silicon Shield Myth

Since 2017, the strategic competition between the United States and China has intensified considerably, with a notable shift in focus. Analysts in Washington and Beijing alike recognize that the party that achieves greater innovation in technology will significantly impact both nations’ economic foundation and strategic resource mobilization capability during the long-term competition.

[REPORT] Myanmar: a long quest for democracy & freedom

Since independence from the United Kingdom, Myanmar’s quest for freedom and democracy has been a long and ongoing battle. While its people and the international community hoped that Aung San Suu Kyi would move Myanmar down the path of democracy, the military coup of February 2021 has moved the Southeast Asian country further away from the democratic path, while strengthening its political ties with Russia and China.

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: From Japan-South Korea Rapprochement, AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Cooperation, to the US gaining military access to Philine Base: US Deployment in the Indo-Pacific

The US is trying to strengthen its military ties with Japan, Korea, AUKUS, and the Philippines to contain China.

(Analysis) The Return of Hard Geopolitics: Towards a New Era of EU-Japan Strategic Cooperation?

With increasing entanglements between Japan and the EU has there been a tipping point in EU-Japan strategic convergence?