Let’s Tune In To The EU’S Periphery: Cyprus Creates Strategy To Confront Migrant Crisis

In recent years EU member states have invested in the construction of barriers and other tools to keep migrants physically out of their nations. Cyprus is taking a different approach by launching a social media campaign with data that demonstrates the harsh reality of how hard it is to be accepted for asylum in the EU member state.

Let’s Tune In: The US retaliates to attacks in Syria

On Wednesday, US troops stationed in the South of  Syria attacked bunkers in Deir el-Zor province after a Syrian attack. These US attacks took place because of the aggressions the US troops were subjected to last week. the US thinks the attacks have been made by the Tehran-backed militias even if the Iranians denied it.

Let’s Tune In: Taiwan’s Issue

The Chinese response to the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, the highest American representative person there since 1997, arrives. People’s Republic of China decided that the right response was to halt the US and Chinese cooperation in several fields such as defense, justice, and climate change and to take several measures against Nancy Pelosi and her immediate family members, this last by relevant laws in China.

Queering Conflict Transformation and Peace-building

Queering infrastructures of peace can enhance conflict transformation and construct true gender transformative peace-building policies. The article will cite the conditions of the queer population across the globe to provide recommendations for how queering peace and security can holistically transmute dynamics of conflict transformation.

Let’s Tune In: Two Journalists Shot Dead with Hunting Ammunition in Brazil

The Javari Valley has become known for illegal fishing, mining, logging, and drug-trafficking activities. The region is known for violent conflicts between these various criminal groups, government agents and indigenous people. These are the specific conflicts that Mr Phillips and Mr Pereira, two journalists who lost their life, were documenting.

Native Boarding Schools: The Other Side of the New World

From the moment European colonizers accidentally found a path to reach the New World, they made this land into their source of wealth. Raw materials, crops, precious metals, and even people were drawn from it to become commodities that would deepen the continental royalties’ pockets. However, this process started in the late 15th century and it could seem like after the 4th of July 1776, there had been no remaining shadow of this foreign presence. However, a group of peoples who inhabited the land long before any other outsiders set foot on it, the natives, took one of the hardest hits. They were forced out of their homes, persecuted for their culture, and ostracized for fighting to keep it alive. It is a part of History we are often not told about, but their presence and fight for freedom and recognition seem to be coming to fruition in the last years.

Uncle Nick: The New American Friend

The Ukrainian war skyrocketed the oil and gas prices, pushing the US inflation.
President Biden, as a pragmatic Democrat, started to revive the commercial relations with Venezuela, putting at stake his reputation on human rights.

Constitutional Review in Botswana: The Nexus between Cultural-Liberal Values and its Implications for Foreign Policy

Cultural and liberal norms have a place in Botswana’s modern constitutional order. It is imperative for the country’s constitution to be drafted in such a way that these values and norms are reconciled in the interest of social cohesion. It is also worth noting that cultural underpinnings have always had a bearing on the country’s diplomacy.