Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Spain Supreme Court Launches Investigation Into Carles Puigdemont

Spain’s national court has opened an investigation in to Carles Puigdemont and Ruben Wagensberg for potential terrorism charges due to their alleged role in 2019 protests, regarding the prison sentences of Catalonians found guilty for their role in the illegal 2017 referendum for independence.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Hungary Faces EU Backlash Over Sovereignty Law

The European Commission is concerned once again about legislation in Hungary. This time, it regards a new sovereignty law.

(Report) One Year Into the War: The EU’s Confusing Russia Policy

Nineteen months into the war and the EU still has not officially amended its Russia policy. Nevertheless, the EU has significantly changed its behavior towards Russia and is increasingly becoming a de facto geopolitical player. What does this mean for the future of EU-Russia relations?

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Malta Needs More Workers Yet Less Population Growth

Malta is the EU’s smallest member state by land area yet the population is expected to explode. This has created challenges for the nation that the government must confront.

Democratic Backsliding and Self-Centered Foreign Policy: Hungary-EU Relations in Perils

The rise of Viktor Orbán’s right-wing populist party, Fidesz, in Hungary in 2010 has led to tension and conflict between Hungary and the EU. The Hungarian government’s numerous legislative acts undermine democracy, human rights, and the freedoms of its citizens, posing a pressing issue for both Hungarian citizens and the EU. The EU faces obstacles in holding Hungary accountable for its actions, but prolonged inaction could lead to increasingly severe consequences.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Polish Government Suffers Resistance From EU And Citizens

Poland has found itself in hot water not only with the European Union yet its own citizens over reforms considered to be undemocratic. This may lead to a competitive parliamentary election later this year.

(Analysis) Iraqi Kurdistan: the EU’s Next Major Energy Supplier?

Iraqi Kurdistan’s Prime Minister is convinced that his region can become one of Europe’s main energy suppliers in the near future.
This article takes an in depth look at the opportunities and challenges facing Iraqi Kurdistan’s plans of becoming a global energy exporter, in order to determine their feasability.

(Analysis) EU Candidate Status for Ukraine and Moldova: Political Signal or Geostrategic Move?

The article seeks to outline the key factors that impacted the EU’s decision to grant candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova. It touches on the issues of EU-Russia competition in the shared neighborhood and relations between the EU and the Associated Trio countries.

The Ambition of Gender Equality

EIGE foresees 60 years before the achievement of gender equality in Europe. It proceeds, but at a slow pace. Meanwhile, the dream of equality does not suffer standstills. A new Gender Action Plan was realized in November 2020. It places gender equality at the centre of external relations and sets a new strategy to turn the tide by 2030.