One Year of The New Security Law in Hong Kong: An Assessment of the State of Democracy

Two years ago protests broke in Hong Kong against the undemocratic practices of the Chinese regime. One year ago The New Security Law paved the way to a series of attacks to democracy in the city. How has China achieved this? What is its strategy?

[REPORT] Coping With A Humanitarian Crisis: The Role Of Turkey In The Syrian Civil War

News on the Syrian crisis hardly makes headlines. Nevertheless, factual reality suggests that the war in Syria is still an urgent matter, especially regarding the refugee crisis. Turkey, for example, hosts the highest number of refugees in the world, roughly 3 million. What domestic and foreign impact did the Syrian civil war have on Turkey?

The Coronavirus Vaccine and Medical Racism in Africa

Two French doctors have recently proposed to conduct unscrupulous research for the Coronavirus vaccine in Africa. This is just the last of many examples of how the West carries a racist medical agenda in the African continent. How can we move away from these practices and invest in an even global medical development?

Il Caso Silvia Romano: Misoginia e Polarizzazione nella Società “Social” Italiana

Lo scorso 9 Maggio Silvia Romano è stata liberata dopo un anno e mezzo di prigionia per mano del gruppo terroristico somalo Al Shabaab. Come ha risposto la società italiana a questo evento apparentemente neutrale e gioioso?