Next Generation EU: Le Plan Européen Pour La Reprise Post COVID-19

Le 21 juillet dernier, le Conseil européen approuve l’émission de 750 milliards d’euros de fonds pour faire face à la crise post COVID-19. Le plan de relance s’inscrit dans le Next Generation EU, le nouvel instrument proposé par la Commission le 27 mai dernier. Les fonds seront liés à des objectifs européens communs: parmi tout, faire face au changement climatique.

Japan: UK-EU Trade Deals to Revolutionize Geopolitics

Brexit has inevitably revolutionized the position of the UK in geopolitics, and the latter has had to start over agreements with the whole world. Finding itself in such a globalised environment that demands deals to be secured rapidly, it is inevitable the UK has been wanting to prioritise agreements that would bring win-win benefits for its growth as an individual power. These, including the deal with Japan, will take time to perfection.

Young Overseas Chinese and the Identity Quest – A Conversation with Sally Lin

This Human Story treats issues concerning racial discrimination and identity. Due to the success the BLM movement has had worldwide, TNGO aims to widen this conversation to another group affected by COVID-19 discrimination: the Overseas Chinese.

The New Hong Kong’s Security Law: A Radical Policy Shift

On 30 June 2020, the Chinese Government passed the Hong Kong Security Law, a much debated piece of legislation which was welcomed with strong protests both in the region and at an international level.
How will the new law concretely affect Hong Kong? And how did international actors respond to it?

[Analysis] Hong Kong vs Singapore: Competing Asian Tigers

In East Asia, some small cities could even be considered more powerful than big countries. This analytical report compares the political and economic structures of Hong Kong and Singapore, two leading Asian Tigers, concluding that their differences continuously unite and divide them over time, but that one cannot survive without the other.

[Analysis] China-Japan: Ping-Pong Diplomacy in the East China Sea

Ping-Pong Diplomacy between Japan and China is causing tensions to rise in the East China Sea.
Is there a solution to the Sino-Chinese frictions?

Raid in the West Bank: Palestinian Teen Killed by Israeli Army

Zaid Fadl Qaisia, 15 years old, was killed during a raid in the West Bank that aimed at arresting him for having insulted an Israeli soldier on Facebook. The supervision of Palestinians through Facebook is one of the milder ways through which the Israeli government maintains control and surveillance over its public. Not only the West Bank, but also Gaza and East Jerusalem have been exploited as experiment fields to test and develop new tools of digital surveillance.

A Battle for Supremacy, But At What Cost?

President Trump recently decided to suspend US fundings to the World Health Organization, accusing the body of mismanaging the current COVID-19 crisis and being too China-centric. While the rivalry between Beijing and Washington dates back to the 1970s, today, the tension between the two superpowers could lead to a catastrophic response to the virus.