The New Domain (and Threat) of the Cyberattacks: Russia

Although there has been history of hacking activity especially from Russia, the new report released by Microsoft shows that hacking by nation-state actors has become more prominent than ever, especially from Russia.

[Analysis] Oil Security in Northeast Asia: Sino-Russian Drillers vs ExxonMobil

Oil and natural gas are undergoing an important crisis, as they are running out worldwide. In this context, powers like Russia and China have chosen to detach from the reliance on Middle Eastern oil, and have been seeking to create their own regional independence to the point companies such as Gazprom and Sinopec have overtaken US and European former leaders like ExxonMobil and Shell. What does this imply for oil security in Northeast Asia? And how are these countries coping with sustainability and oil consumption?

[Analysis] What Would Biden’s Victory In The 2020 U.S. Elections Mean For ASEAN?

As the American elections approach, Joe Biden could become the next President of the United States of America. In foreign policy, his experience in the Senate and as Vice President during the Obama administration could determine future strategies. How will Biden approach the rising power of China? And what role will the US continue to pursue in East Asia?

Young Overseas Chinese and the Identity Quest – A Conversation with Sally Lin

This Human Story treats issues concerning racial discrimination and identity. Due to the success the BLM movement has had worldwide, TNGO aims to widen this conversation to another group affected by COVID-19 discrimination: the Overseas Chinese.

The New Hong Kong’s Security Law: A Radical Policy Shift

On 30 June 2020, the Chinese Government passed the Hong Kong Security Law, a much debated piece of legislation which was welcomed with strong protests both in the region and at an international level.
How will the new law concretely affect Hong Kong? And how did international actors respond to it?

[Analysis] Hong Kong vs Singapore: Competing Asian Tigers

In East Asia, some small cities could even be considered more powerful than big countries. This analytical report compares the political and economic structures of Hong Kong and Singapore, two leading Asian Tigers, concluding that their differences continuously unite and divide them over time, but that one cannot survive without the other.

The Coronavirus Vaccine and Medical Racism in Africa

Two French doctors have recently proposed to conduct unscrupulous research for the Coronavirus vaccine in Africa. This is just the last of many examples of how the West carries a racist medical agenda in the African continent. How can we move away from these practices and invest in an even global medical development?

[REPORT] The Italian Participation in Peacekeeping Operations

On May 29, the world celebrates the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. Italy is one of the most committed nations in this field, starting from the 1990s, when its engagement in peacekeeping operations sharply increased.
Guest Contributor Maicol Cocco has authored a thorough report on Italy’s history and budget-spending on peacekeeping operations.