Feminist Economics: A Deeper Look into Gender and Economics

The time to lay Homo Economicus i.e. the “economic man”, to rest has come. With the rise of feminist theory, questions have arisen over the gender inclusivity of economics today. To what extent are the theories, methods, and pedagogy of economics male centric, and therefore biased? And how does this bias compromise the accuracy, and effectiveness of our current economic models?

How GAFA Are Undermining Our Democracy

How are GAFA undermining our democracy? From market concentration and the crisis of small businesses, to external influence in elections and disinformation, here is an overall of the democratic processes in which they are involved.

Star Trek: Journey into the Fictional Representation of Politics

Star Trek drew major inspiration from the political and social environment of the time, as these events drastically characterised the ethos and morality of the show as well as creating a more vivid world for the audience. This is something that was extremely relevant in the early iteration of the series, however was completely neglected in the more modern iteration of Star Trek in favour of mindless action and mainstream appeal. For the sake of our analysis, we are going to compare The Original Series (TOS) and The Next Generation (TNG) to the more modern shows, as to figure out why things have changed so drastically.

Beyond the Battlefront of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: A Conversation with Ulviyya Fataliyeva

Ulviyya Fataliyyeva, a talented 24-year-old chess player, heard Armenian missiles fall 1km from her house in Ganja, Azerbaijan. TNGO Contributor Daniela Movileanu interviews her to uncover the Human Story behind the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

[Analysis] Regularising Undocumented Migrants in the European Union: The Added COVID-19 Factor

Once a taboo, the word regularisation has made its comeback into the EU’s vocabulary since the beginning of the health crisis. But what is regularisation? What are its pros and cons? And why has COVID-19 spiced up the political debate on regularisation?

Infrastructure and Over-Exploitation: Draining Mexico City Dry

Mexico City used to look a lot like Venice, so why is it now facing a water crisis? In this article we will explore the factors that have created the crisis, and discuss possible solutions with Andrea Lefranc, our local source in the heart of the city.

The Effect of Novichok: The Case of Navalny and The EU-Russia Relations

Alexei Navalny, the main opposition leader in Russia against President Putin’s regime has been poisoned with Novichok, a dangerous nerve agent that has been allegedly used several times against Russian opposition figures. How will that affect the relations between the EU and Russia?

[Analysis] What Would Biden’s Victory In The 2020 U.S. Elections Mean For ASEAN?

As the American elections approach, Joe Biden could become the next President of the United States of America. In foreign policy, his experience in the Senate and as Vice President during the Obama administration could determine future strategies. How will Biden approach the rising power of China? And what role will the US continue to pursue in East Asia?