Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: “Be Manly” Catholic Mens Group Divides Croatian Society

A group of men known as Muževni Budite (Be Manly) has been praying in public and causing controversy in Croatia with beliefs such as prohibiting abortion and the need for women to dress modestly. Opponents are concerned as while the group is small for now, this can easily change.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Malta Shirks Responsibility As Migrant Deaths Soar in Mediterranean Sea

Malta has used numerous methods including ones that can be classified as illegal to deter migrants. The European Union needs to step up and ensure that the responsibility for the migration crisis in the Mediterranean Sea does not fall only on a few member states.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: European Union and 15 Member States Sue Hungary

15 EU member states join the European Union in its lawsuit against Hungary regarding the Child Protection Act. The EU and these member states accuse Hungary of discrimination against the LGBT community and attempt to portray members of the community as pedophiles who are a threat to children.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Slovenia Eager To Recruit Foreign Workers

Slovenia’s national government hopes to attract more foreign workers to fill job vacancies through recent legislation the government passed.

The New Normal/La Nouvelle Normalité/新常態: From the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran to Xi’s Visit to Russia – The Strategic Game Between China and the US Behind the Scenes

Following the resumption of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, many international scholars began to explore the role of China in the Russo-Ukrainian war. However, it is still difficult for China to play the role of mediator. Firstly, the Russian-Ukrainian war is by its very nature a proxy war, with the US’s strategic goals to weaken Russia economically and make European countries more dependent on the US militarily. China will not be able to reverse US strategic objectives until the US domestic environment changes. Secondly, as China is a long-term challenger to US hegemony at its core, the US also wants to worsen China’s relationship with the EU by tying China and Russia together through the Russo-Ukrainian war. The EU does not have confidence in China’s neutrality in the Russo-Ukrainian war. If China wants to mediate the Russo-Ukrainian war, it must win over the EU and seek a consensus, so that both sides can force the US and Russia to act prudently on the Russo-Ukrainian war.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Portugal Ends Golden Visa Program To End Housing Crisis

Portugal ends its golden visa program to relieve pressure on its housing market, but this is only one of the many causes of the crisis.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Politicians In Poland Clash Over Eating Bugs

Politicians in Poland accuse each other of wanting to force citizens to eat insects instead of meat ahead of the election later this year.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Bulgarian Supreme Court Bans Gender Changes On Documents 

While gender transitioning is still legal, the Bulgarian Supreme Court has banned trans individuals from changing their gender on legal documents.