Let’s Tune In: Mali asked for a UN meeting against France

In the past days, Mali asked for a UN meeting with United Nations Security Council President, China, because of several serious allegations against France on its territory. According to the Malian letter, France would have violated its air space several times, would have delivered weapons to the armed groups, and in addition, France would have used their air space against them to collect intelligence information for these terrorist groups. This last accusation is not accompanied by evidence.

[REPORT] France Between Je Suis Charlie and Terrorist Threats

France has been one of the European countries with the biggest number of Islamic terrorist attacks perpetrated by young people, usually of the second generation of immigrant people, who were recruited by the Islamic State (IS). There are many prominent factors that have played an influential role in the launching of these attacks, including the historical relation and colonisation of Middle Eastern countries, socio-economic estrangement, France’s secularism and its cultural diversity.