[Report] Israele – Palestina: Lo Stato Attuale delle Cose

Sono trascorsi ormai mesi dall’annuncio da parte del governo israeliano di voler annettere parti della Cisgiordania, ma di fatto nessuna annessione ha ancora avuto luogo. Cerchiamo di capire perché e a che punto è la situazione generale al momento.

[REPORT] Ideologías, Nacionalismos y la Gestión del COVID-19 en España

La gestión de la crisis del COVID-19 ha perjudicado la opinión pública de la sociedad española según los datos del CIS. Ha permitido la creación de un contexto de oportunidad política a una derecha muy presente y bastante fuerte en la actualidad.

[REPORT] Coping With A Humanitarian Crisis: The Role Of Turkey In The Syrian Civil War

News on the Syrian crisis hardly makes headlines. Nevertheless, factual reality suggests that the war in Syria is still an urgent matter, especially regarding the refugee crisis. Turkey, for example, hosts the highest number of refugees in the world, roughly 3 million. What domestic and foreign impact did the Syrian civil war have on Turkey?

[REPORT] The Italian Participation in Peacekeeping Operations

On May 29, the world celebrates the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. Italy is one of the most committed nations in this field, starting from the 1990s, when its engagement in peacekeeping operations sharply increased.
Guest Contributor Maicol Cocco has authored a thorough report on Italy’s history and budget-spending on peacekeeping operations.

[REPORT] Australia amidst Fires

The bushfire phenomenon is typical of south-eastern Australia, where the climate is often hot and dry during summer and a proper management of the fire’s activity, provides a positive impact on the environment. This is the reason why the disaster that hit the Australian ecosystem between November 2019 and February 2020, could not be easily predicted.