Leadership in the Global South: President Lula’s and Gaza

In February 2024, President Lula attended the 37th African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, promoting Brazil’s ties with the Global South. His comments labelling the Gaza conflict as genocide at the hands of Israel sparked international controversy, straining relations with Israel and affecting his domestic approval. Despite criticism, Lula remains steadfast, aligning Brazil with Global South priorities.

Let’s Tune In: The Leader of the Middle East is Out of Control

Israeli Knesset voted to disperse on 30th June 2022 and to hold new elections in November. This vote ended the shortest legislature Israel has ever had and the Presidency adventure of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Bennett’s role will be taken by Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid who will become prime minister.

[Report] Israele – Palestina: Lo Stato Attuale delle Cose

Sono trascorsi ormai mesi dall’annuncio da parte del governo israeliano di voler annettere parti della Cisgiordania, ma di fatto nessuna annessione ha ancora avuto luogo. Cerchiamo di capire perché e a che punto è la situazione generale al momento.