Cemre Topal: The Lawyer Who Defends Women in a Country That Murders Them 

While the Turkish government is turning a deaf ear to the violence against women, many are opening their eyes to condemn it. While the state is determined to oppress minorities, the resistance is getting organised and is not afraid.While Erdogan’s regime tries to silence the screams of women’s suffering, the voices of the opposition are rising up and shouting for their rights. Among all these voices, one resonates even louder than the others. It is that of Cerme Topal.

Lula Livre! Ex-President Lula da Silva Has Conviction Annulled

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, has had his political rights restored after The Supreme Court’s new ruling allowed a judge to annul his criminal convictions. In this article we will cover the history of Lula and his conviction, and what his freedom means for the political landscape of Brazil.

Thugs in Uniform? Police Brutality in Kenya

With the Spirit of revolution in the air sparked by the murder of George Floyd in the United States, civilians all over the world are waking up to the injustices around them. Not to be left behind, while standing in solidarity with their brothers and sisters in the US, Kenyans are finally voicing their rage at their own system currently also being plagued by ghastly levels of violence at the hands of the Police.

Combattere la criminalità rispettando i diritti umani: è possibile?

28 anni fa, in Italia, veniva redatto l’articolo 41 bis dell’ordinamento penitenziario, per istituire un regime carcerario speciale. Tale provvedimento nasceva in risposta agli atti terroristici da parte di partiti politici e criminalità organizzata nell’Italia dei primi anni ’90.
Può questo regime assicurare la tutela ed il rispetto dei diritti umani dei detenuti?

Covid-19 Did Not Stop the Fight for Justice in Lebanon – A Conversation with Laila Kaddour

Laila Kaddour, from Tripoli, Lebanon, was interviewed by TNGO’s political analyst Aurora Ceccotti to have a personal point of view about what it means to live in Lebanon in this unprecedented historical period.