EU Military Response: Uncharted Territory in the Union Foreign Policy

The European response to the war in Ukraine has not only shifted the paradigm of EU foreign response, but it has also created a series of unprecedented changes to the very function of the Union. As such, it becomes imperative to investigate the mechanisms and the implications of these new systems in order to assess what they could imply for the European Union’s future.

How Ukraine’s Resistance to Authoritarianism Could Inspire Taiwan: Perspectives from China and the USA

Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 and has since had its troops in Ukraine. Ukraine has been resistant and have fought back with the help of countries like the United States. While countries like China has neither sent military help to Ukraine to help with the invasion nor has it allied with Russia. The determination of Ukraine in fighting back has given courage to small countries like Taiwan to take practical steps to avoid their democracy and freedom taken away by China. The Taiwanese have decided to stand strong like the Ukrainians.

Let’s Tune In: Gas Supply Diversification

In the attempt to disengage Russia from the European gas supplier role, Italy signed 15 agreements with Algeria last week, agreements that made Algeria the biggest Italian gas supplier and they came together with several memorandums of understanding in areas ranging from energy to sustainable development, justice and micro-enterprises. it was the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi himself who presented the agreement during his visit to Algeria.

[REPORT] Evolution of Women’s Rights in Turkey: The Fall of a Democracy

How the correlation between women’s rights and the democratic process of Turkey underlines that Erdoğan fails at respecting both of them?

A New Dawn of the EU-US Relationship in Digital and Tech Issues

With the appointment of Joe Biden as president of the United States, the lawmakers of both the European Union and the United States have expressed their desire for a new dawn in transatlantic ties. Hence, the new president of the US was seen by MEPs as a chance to reinforce the EU-US relationship to tackle common challenges. Particularly emphasising the need to regulate tech giants.

25 Years After a Conflict: Helping the Youth in Bosnia

Dubioza Kolektiv, a popular Bosnian avant-garde group would say – or rather, sing – that Bosnia-Erzegovina is in Europe “just in Eurosong”. By that, meaning that the country is only welcome as a full-fledged member of Europe when this benefits the image of a multicultural, welcoming continent. But when the lights of Eurovision go off, Bosnia is likely to disappear from the public discourse. If anything, it may come up in conversations simply as the place where “there once was a war”.

In part, this is understandable. How is it possible that a European country could be majority Muslim? Why does it stubbornly refuse to behave like a “normal” democracy? And yet, no matter how divided or unstable, Bosnia is clearly a member of the wobbly, colorful European family.