China’s Push Into the Indian Ocean: How Can the United States Contain Its Growing Reach?

China’s entry into the Indian Ocean region, through economic investments and political agency is dramatically changing regional dynamics. For decades, the United States has maintained a considerable presence across this vast body of water. The expansion of Beijing’s influence requires the powers in Washington to strengthen their military and economic instruments in the region.

How Ukraine’s Resistance to Authoritarianism Could Inspire Taiwan: Perspectives from China and the USA

Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 and has since had its troops in Ukraine. Ukraine has been resistant and have fought back with the help of countries like the United States. While countries like China has neither sent military help to Ukraine to help with the invasion nor has it allied with Russia. The determination of Ukraine in fighting back has given courage to small countries like Taiwan to take practical steps to avoid their democracy and freedom taken away by China. The Taiwanese have decided to stand strong like the Ukrainians.

[Analysis] How to Counter China’s Vaccine Diplomacy in the Balkans

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, China has developed a ‘mask diplomacy’ aimed at the Western Balkans; later evolved into the so-called vaccine diplomacy.

Can the European Union counter China’s ambitions in its eastern neighbourhood?

[Analysis] EU-China Agreement on Investment: Impact on the Western Balkans

The European Union and the Western Balkans share the same history and future. Therefore, the Chinese interest in the Balkans has long been perceived as an intrusion. Yet, on December 30, 2020, the European Union and China reached an historic Agreement on investment and trade. What does this rapprochement between the two rival suitors mean for the Western Balkans? For sure, the EU-China Agreement is controversial. But it may show a promising opening, by China, to a rules-based economic system. In Eastern Europe, this means that China could be brought to respect the EU 2030 agenda, especially for what concerns the green transition and digitalization.

[Analysis] China’s Energy Sustainability, the 2060 Vision, and the EU

The People’s Republic of China has become one of the most prominent geopolitical leaders worldwide, with a booming economy, growing domestic consumption, and a skyrocketing rise of global financial influence through world-renowned investment projects such as the infamous Belt and Road initiative. Such a rise has deeply affected its energy consumption, requiring a prevalently coal-driven energetic production to keep up with its ramping economic growth.