Iran In Power Struggle After Assassination of Top Nuclear Scientist

The assassination of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh has shaken the regional and international political arena. Despite the blow to its nuclear program, it seems that Iran has gained the upper hand in a power struggle with Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US.

The Case of Ethiopia: United We Stand, Divided We Fall

On November 4 2020, Ethiopia started a conflict that has caused major disruptions in the population and the international community, leading to a humanitarian crisis. The world is shocked that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who won the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, started the conflict against the Tigray region.

Da 100 Giorni In Bielorussia È Sempre Domenica

Sono passati più di cento giorni dall’inizio delle proteste contro il regime corrotto di Aleksandr Lukašenko. Ed ancora adesso, a dispetto della stanchezza, del sopraggiungere dell’inverno, della pandemia e dell’alta probabilità di essere malmenati, detenuti o fatti sparire, centinaia di persone ogni domenica a Minsk scendono in piazza a protestare.