TNGO Surveillance: Asia-Pacific – Fresh Tensions in the Sea of Japan

The Geopolitical backdrop in East Asia is simmering between North Korea and Japan with Pyongyang intensifying its hard power military projection, leading Tokyo and its allies to enhance their deterrence.

Let’s Tune In: Tragedy in Kabul

On September 30th, a suicide attack took place at the Kaaj tuition center, in the Dasht-e-Barchi area in the western part of Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul. The attack cost 35 deaths and 80 w0unded, most of them women. The news comes from the United Nations which expressed its condolence to the victims. The suicide attack started with the killing of the guards in front of the education center and ended with the explosion inside.

Let’s Tune In: Russian Partial Mobilization

On September 21st, Putin announced a “partial mobilization” composed of Russian reservists who will be engaged on the Russian territory, which is threatened by the European uptight attitude to “destroy” the Russian territory and its strength. In his speech, Putin shifted the meaning of the war from a “special military operation” to an existential operation that will depend on Russian unity and its strength. These would have been the words used by Putin in a Russian televised address.

Let’s Tune In: Iran joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)

On September 15th, Iran signed the memorandum of commitment toward the Shanghai cooperation organization becoming a permanent member of it. According to Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the agreement will not be only a normal relationship among states but it will open a new stage for Iran. It will have an important impact on the economy, transit, and energy cooperation. Its membership will be official in April 2023.

Let’s Tune In: North Korea declares its nuclear potential

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said on Friday:” “We will not waive our right for self-defense, which is crucial for the country’s existence, for the security of the state and its people, no matter how difficult the situation is,” he said. “Regardless of the political and military situation on the Korean peninsula, brought about by the US, we won’t reject nuclear weapons, because we need to deter the United States, which is a nuclear power.”

Cargo Ships Pollution Impact on Environment and Human Health

The great pollution from cargo ships ruins the marine environment and causes death; more attention is now paid to the damage caused by the transport of goods, by searching for alternative ways to make travel more sustainable.

Let’s Tune In: Europe’s Most Important Gas Pipeline Closes Again

After three days in which the North Stream pipeline was closed because it needed repairs, Gazprom announced the Nord Stream would have been closed due to the unexpected worst technical malfunctions. The decision has been taken by Gazprom and Russia’s industrial regulator Rostekhnadzor. It is not the first time that the pipeline was shut down because it has been closed for 10 days in July and after that intervention, its operativity has not gone beyond the 20% of its capacity.

Let’s Tune In: The US retaliates to attacks in Syria

On Wednesday, US troops stationed in the South of  Syria attacked bunkers in Deir el-Zor province after a Syrian attack. These US attacks took place because of the aggressions the US troops were subjected to last week. the US thinks the attacks have been made by the Tehran-backed militias even if the Iranians denied it.

What Is Deforestation and How to Financially Fight It

The sad situation of the Amazon rainforest, from the green lung of the planet to a source of pollution due to deforestation. Let’s see how banks and hedge funds can stop its destruction before it’s too late.

Let’s Tune In: Mali asked for a UN meeting against France

In the past days, Mali asked for a UN meeting with United Nations Security Council President, China, because of several serious allegations against France on its territory. According to the Malian letter, France would have violated its air space several times, would have delivered weapons to the armed groups, and in addition, France would have used their air space against them to collect intelligence information for these terrorist groups. This last accusation is not accompanied by evidence.