Turkey’s Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

The start of the Syrian Civil war on March 15, 2011, marked the start of the suffering for many families. These fights have recorded thousands of casualties. They have torn the nation and have also taken the nation back in its standards of living. It has also resulted in the mass movement of the Syrians to neighboring countries and regions within Syria itself.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Exacerbation of violence in Sheikh Jarrah

Sheikh Jarrah has experienced an exacerbation of violence the last few weeks. The tensions between the Palestinians and the Israelis escalated further with the violence spreading in the Gaza Strip.

The Unknown Face of Yemen: A Conversation with Mariam Al-Dhubani

The war in Yemen is often depicted as a proxy war between Sunnite Saudi Arabia and Shiite Iran.
For too long this reductive interpretation has been hindering a comprehensive peace process by disregarding local actors and social dynamics.
The present TNGO human story is aimed at looking beyond such an obscuring veil through the eyes of Mariam al-Dhubani, a Yemeni-Russian award-winning journalist and filmmaker, whose camera strives to capture the true face of her unknown homeland.

[Report] Israele – Palestina: Lo Stato Attuale delle Cose

Sono trascorsi ormai mesi dall’annuncio da parte del governo israeliano di voler annettere parti della Cisgiordania, ma di fatto nessuna annessione ha ancora avuto luogo. Cerchiamo di capire perché e a che punto è la situazione generale al momento.