Democratic Backsliding and Self-Centered Foreign Policy: Hungary-EU Relations in Perils

The rise of Viktor Orbán’s right-wing populist party, Fidesz, in Hungary in 2010 has led to tension and conflict between Hungary and the EU. The Hungarian government’s numerous legislative acts undermine democracy, human rights, and the freedoms of its citizens, posing a pressing issue for both Hungarian citizens and the EU. The EU faces obstacles in holding Hungary accountable for its actions, but prolonged inaction could lead to increasingly severe consequences.

The Growing Role of Armed Forces in Public Security: Implications and Challenges in Latin America

Latin America’s historical narrative is intricately woven with the complex interrelationship between armed forces and politics. From the authoritative reign of 19th-century figures like Juan Manuel de Rosas to the military’s political prominence in the 20th century, the region’s trajectory has been profoundly shaped by this alliance. The shift towards democracy during the 1980s curtailed direct military influence, although discussions on their role endure. Present-day challenges, exemplified by the rise of organized crime, have propelled armed forces into new roles. Peru and Mexico serve as pertinent examples, where armed actors with economic and military clout challenge state authority. Governments are now recalibrating the role of armed forces to strike a harmonious balance between security imperatives and democratic governance. This article delves into these nuances, spotlighting Peru and Mexico as illustrative case studies within this intricate framework.

(Analysis) Navigating the Complexities of Georgia’s Political Crisis: Domestic and Foreign Policy Dimensions

The political crisis in Georgia is a complex issue with a mix of domestic and foreign policy implications. It challenges its pro-Western foreign policy and relations with the West, triggering debates on the possibility of Tbilisi’s shift toward Moscow, turning a blind eye to the need for democratic reforms and falling into authoritarianism.

[REPORT] Erdoğan’s Menu to Crush Down the Opposition

Like a ruthless chef who organises the preparation of his gustatory manipulations, Erdoğan is constantly developing new menus to enable …