[ANALYSIS] Multi-level Politics in Argentina

Argentinian democracy has been classified as a “flawed democracy” in the 2021 Global Democracy Index. Although the consolidation of a bipartisan coalitional party system has given balance to the national arena in Argentina, the subnational level has its own dynamic, where the “strongmen” of many provinces have reportedly bent the rules of democracy to tilt the playing field in their favor.

The Time for Consensus is Over: The Drums of War Are Rumbling in Argentina

Frente de Todos, the ruling coalition in Argentina, has become the biggest battlefield the South American nation has seen in recent years. In the past few weeks, President Fernandez kicked out the possibility of dialogue with the opposition and stood firmly against the Kirchner faction of the government. Only time will say what is the ending scene of this confrontation.

A New Dawn of the EU-US Relationship in Digital and Tech Issues

With the appointment of Joe Biden as president of the United States, the lawmakers of both the European Union and the United States have expressed their desire for a new dawn in transatlantic ties. Hence, the new president of the US was seen by MEPs as a chance to reinforce the EU-US relationship to tackle common challenges. Particularly emphasising the need to regulate tech giants.

[REPORT] US Police In The #BLM Protests

In 2020, the murder of George Floyd ignited nation-wide protests under the slogan “Black Lives Matter” to condemn police brutality and demand accountability. After several months, it is important to take stock of the situation and analyze the phenomenon, from its historical roots to the implications for domestic politics in the US

The New Domain (and Threat) of the Cyberattacks: Russia

Although there has been history of hacking activity especially from Russia, the new report released by Microsoft shows that hacking by nation-state actors has become more prominent than ever, especially from Russia.

How GAFA Are Undermining Our Democracy

How are GAFA undermining our democracy? From market concentration and the crisis of small businesses, to external influence in elections and disinformation, here is an overall of the democratic processes in which they are involved.

Star Trek: Journey into the Fictional Representation of Politics

Star Trek drew major inspiration from the political and social environment of the time, as these events drastically characterised the ethos and morality of the show as well as creating a more vivid world for the audience. This is something that was extremely relevant in the early iteration of the series, however was completely neglected in the more modern iteration of Star Trek in favour of mindless action and mainstream appeal. For the sake of our analysis, we are going to compare The Original Series (TOS) and The Next Generation (TNG) to the more modern shows, as to figure out why things have changed so drastically.

Beyond the Battlefront of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: A Conversation with Ulviyya Fataliyeva

Ulviyya Fataliyyeva, a talented 24-year-old chess player, heard Armenian missiles fall 1km from her house in Ganja, Azerbaijan. TNGO Contributor Daniela Movileanu interviews her to uncover the Human Story behind the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.