Fernet with Vodka

The Argentinians adopted, due to the Italian immigration of the early XX century, a sour herbal wine called “Fernet Branca” – usually mixed with the popular drink “Coca Cola.” The sour taste of Fernet makes it tough to combine it with vodka. However, in harsh times beggars can’t be choosers.

The Time for Consensus is Over: The Drums of War Are Rumbling in Argentina

Frente de Todos, the ruling coalition in Argentina, has become the biggest battlefield the South American nation has seen in recent years. In the past few weeks, President Fernandez kicked out the possibility of dialogue with the opposition and stood firmly against the Kirchner faction of the government. Only time will say what is the ending scene of this confrontation.

Political Crisis and Peronist Realpolitik: “Alberto Fernandez for Government, Francis J. Underwood to Power”

Francis Underwood, Vice President of the United States, in the Netflix series “House of Cards” turns his face to the camera and says: “There are two types of Vice Presidents: Doormats and matadors. Which do you think I intend to be?”.