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Strategic Ambiguity, China, and Taiwan: The US-Taiwan Quagmire
As China increases its forceful pressure for unification with Taiwan, can America’s strategic ambiguity maintain peace and prosperity across the Strait?
Sexual and Reproductive Rights: The EU Keeps Moving
Global advances in gender equality and women’s health still leave room for improvement. The EU’s resolution on ‘Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights’ takes us one step further.
[ANALYSIS] The Geopolitical Context of Increased Involvement of Great Powers and Middle Powers in Central Asia
Central Asia countries (CAC) are located in a competitive neighbourhood and have had to become adept at realpolitik since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. CAC have been compelled to leverage their respective ties with China to counterbalance Russia as well as develop linkages with the Western power centres to balance against both local hegemons, Russia, and China. This has attracted the attention and interest of Middle Powers as well.
The Epoch of Cognitive Warfare: Realities and Ramifications
There is a fundamental disconnect between countries that utilize cognitive warfare, such as Russia, which sees themselves perpetually positioned to be in information warfare, while the West views it as only temporary. This affects resource allocation, collaboration, expanding adaptability through feedback and follow through on operations.
Ukraine’s Latest Near Crisis: Russian Opportunism or a Harbinger of War?
On April 23, 2021, Russia “withdrew” its forces, which it had built up along its border with Ukraine. After a rather rapid escalation and then stagnation of tensions, the question remains: is Russia an opportunist, taking advantage of an “opening” it found, or is this event a real, viable threat to regional stability? Is Russia trying to start an international war or is it merely testing Western waters to see what it can reap without damaging consequences?
America’s Great Power Conundrum: Competition or Confrontation?
As America deals with the realization of China’s great power rise, can the US avoid confrontation when competing against China?
India: Between the Farmers’ Struggle and the COVID Crisis
India has faced a host of social, economic and ultimately political challenges amid farmers’ protests and a COVID crisis.
Conditions of Prisoners in Bahrain During Covid-19
Inhumane living conditions in Jau Prison in Bahrain left inmates vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19, magnifying human rights violations.
Dune and Data Colonization
Starting from the thrilling movie “Dune”, the article draws a parallel between the precious Spice Melange and Data in the 21th century.
Where Are All the Chinese Villains?
The increasing importance of Chinese movie market to Hollywood studios’ bottom-line has led to a culture of appeasement and provided space for the CPC to promote its propaganda movies.